Marks of a True Disciple

Many people spend a lot of money and time trying to look the part of a true disciple. To look like a disciple and to be one is often two far different things. To look the part is to be a Pharisee, one who others view as very religious. A disciple is much more than religious. A disciple does not consider himself/herself as arrived. Often we consider our-self arrived. We do this in many aspects of life. A true disciple knows he/she never arrives at the final place of perfect discipleship until they are present with the Lord. It is only in our glorified bodies that we will be made perfect in His (Christ’s) likeness. As disciples we must realize the reasons for us to be True disciples. If we do not know what we believe and why we believe it we will never accomplish the goal of being a true disciple of Jesus Christ.

Jesus said to His disciples; “Go teach them to observe whatsoever I have commanded”. Jesus desires His people to be disciples. That is for us to be taught His ways. That is also to live in and by those ways. Jesus also commands us to make disciples as well. We are not called to gain Heaven and to never share the message that has transformed our lives. If we are not sure what we believe and are willing to share what we believe we are not true disciples.

The scriptures teach us that Jesus said to His disciples “deny self and follow me”. When our Lord explained what being His disciple was about many of His followers turned and left. Many people want to read the latest book, go to the new mega church and hear the famous evangelist in person. You can check all these off your spiritual to do list, but you will be no more a true disciple than any one else. A true disciple is one who puts the written word into actio for the honor and glory of God. I am not against reading books for education purposes or for encouragement, but I want to say please never allow the latest book to take away from pure Bible study. Faith comes by hearing and hearing by “the Word of God”.

What is the SIMPLE TRUTH for today? It is this; A true disciple hears the word, responds to the word, is noticably changed by the word, shares the word lives by and properly uses the word.


  1. Hunger for the word
    • No other place can we find God’s ways
    • No other place can a person go to cleanse his/her ways
  2. Changed by the word and spirit
    • Being doers and not just hearers
  3. Sharing the Word
    • not just knowing of the word
    • not selfish with salvation
  4. Living the word
    • not for appearance = doing so even when no one is looking
  5. Proving the word
    • making progress in your own life
  6. Properly using the Word
    • spending time and money
    • if you want to know what people view as priority follow the money and watch the time

One Response

  1. Just wanted to drop you a good word….

    “You will keep in perfect peace
    him whose mind is steadfast,
    because he trusts in you.

    Trust in the LORD forever,
    for the LORD, the LORD, is the Rock eternal.”

    Isaiah 26: 3-4.

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